Welcome to a healthier you!

Undoubtedly you are here because you have heard about or experienced the awesomeness that is tower garden!

Grow an abundance of your own food, pesticide-free, indoors, with minimal space and effort.

No weeding, virtually no pests, and delicious, fresh, healthy food at your fingertips 365 days a year!

  • Extremely cost-effective. Start saving money right away!
  • No pesticides
  • 98% less water than traditional gardening
  • Minimal carbon footprint
  • Can you say fresh delicious strawberries vine picked in December? 👍🏽

Get started now! Click here to get your US Tower Garden, or Click here to get your Canadian Tower Garden, and you are only weeks away from having all the delicious veggies that your family needs.


Flex Unit

Click here to buy in the USA

Click here to buy in Canada

This is just 2 1/2 ft.², so the size of a small end table. I love the flex unit because it can be used indoors or outdoors. I love that the basin holds 20 gallons, or about 75 L, meaning I can go away for two or three weeks, and my plants will be completely fine. They won’t run out of water!

I also love that the top of the water reservoir is flat, so I’m not losing any space. I can use it as an end table. To rest my juice on. Or to start seedlings on.

Light Kit

Click here to buy in the USA

Click here to buy in Canada

If you are growing indoors, you will need a light kit. These lights are a whopping 125 W of full spectrum LED, completely adjustable, and fit perfectly with the unit.

I’ve even grown strawberries and tomatoes and cucumbers with just these lights! They are not for use outdoors. But they are fabulous, and they connect right to the shower cap of the tower garden, rotate, so you can ensure everything is lit precisely if you choose to, and are on goosenecks so you can adjust the lights to be further out or closer in as your plants grow.


Click here to buy in the USA

Click here to buy in Canada

Not required, but it definitely makes life easier. When it’s time to fill my reservoir every three weeks or so, I just shove it to the kitchen for an easy fill. Also easy to turn and rotate or just push into another room if you feel like having it somewhere else. Sometimes I just push it to the kitchen while I’m making dinner to be inspired by the freshness and make my herb selection completely seamless.

microgreen extension

Click here to buy in the USA

Click here to buy in Canada

What I love about this is that there are 16 ports instead of just four. The tower garden works as a module, so you can connect as many or as few pieces as you like in the position you want.

You don’t have to fill all of the 16 ports. But I love having the option. To plant 4x More plants in the same space.

Works great for things like strawberries, chard, peas, cilantro, baby greens, and most herbs.


Click here to buy in the USA

Click here to buy in Canada

This can be used indoors or outdoors, and it’s not needed unless you are planning on growing Vining items like tomatoes, beans, cucumbers, eggplant, squash, watermelon, etc. 

Of course, you can also build one or put a trellis up next to it. But this one is nice because it connects right to the tower, and when you’re not using it, it folds almost flat and can be stored behind the door, or under a bed, etc.

All of the options are amazing, but these are my top pics!

You can also finance, interest-free, over an entire year!

Click Here To Get Your US Tower Garden Now or Click Here To Get Your Canadian Tower Garden

Congratulations on your amped-up journey to wellness! May your spirit be filled with peace, your heart with love, and your body with Health!